Client Success Stories
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Newgate 180 has helped more than 5,000 people overcome addictions and live full, happy lives. We offer comprehensive, personalized treatment programs and aftercare programs that have been proven to work time and time again. Take a moment to read and watch these real success stories from some of our former clients and find out why Newgate 180 is the right addiction rehab centre for you.
Marty – Alumni + Board of Directors Member
Scott Oswin – Alumni
Dave Hicks – President of Local 29-X (UNIFOR)
Todd – Alumni + Member of the Brockville Police Service
Steve Wanless – President of Local 27-C + Union Counsellor
I have accomplished many things in my short 38-year time span on this earth, Ex- Military, have fought overseas and have conquered many a demon. I have struggled with my addictions for over a 20-year span and I can honestly say that coming and completing Newgate 180’s 30-day program was by far one of the most difficult things I have had to do.
This program, this house, this Family of support workers, counsellors and fellow struggling clients has also been the most rewarding experience of a lifetime. The steady stream of information and knowledge that was put at my disposal was second to none. The approach that they take here at Newgate is one of compassion, passion for sobriety, education, and awareness. They challenge you on a daily basis to not only look within yourself but to challenge yourself to become a better, happier, healthy productive member of your family, friends, and society. I can honestly say and firmly believe that without Newgate 180 and the gift they have given me I would either be dead or in jail.
I cannot express the amount of gratitude that I have to the staff, counsellors and all the fantastic people that made such an impact on my life. Because of Newgate I continue to meet new and exciting challenges as well as sober, healthy friends along my journey. It has indeed offered me a second chance to live my life the way I would like to live it, happy, healthy and sober, a better father, husband, brother, son and friend.
Thank you Newgate.
Forever in my heart.
Coming to Newgate 180, I started to discover who I was and how to adopt a better and healthier way of living. It was amazing knowing that help was a reality and that I’m not alone. I know that my road of self-discovery may be long but in just one month I’ve learned more about myself than in five years.
My path through these doors was not unlike any others. I used and abused alcohol to hide. I hid from my family, friends, co-workers and society. I hid from my feelings of my childhood and from the negative environment I grew up in and had created for myself. My last drink was quite unexpected; I came within a whisker of poisoning myself to death with my colleagues present.
I arrived at Newgate confused, full of fear, guilt, remorse, and confusion. I had built up what I thought were impenetrable walls. I could not have been more closed and distant with the people inside this home. My behaviour did not deter the staff but more importantly, the fellow addicts stood by my side and helped me get my feet back under me.
After a few short days of arriving, I started feeling a change- for the better. First came the smiles, and then came the laughter. I gave myself permission to heal.
This is not to say it has been easy. There has been lots of laughter but also tears and at times anguish. This program demands that you be honest with others and true to yourself.
Within the first day, you will have learned skills that will help you through this difficult but very rewarding journey. Before you know it the time will pass quickly and you will be armed with your own arsenal of tools to help you combat your own demons and addiction.
In my short 30 days I am proud to have taken the courage to walk through the doors. I am proud of my accomplishment and to call myself a member of the Newgate 180 group. I truly feel that I have made a 180◦ turn.
When I came to Newgate 180 on Dec 31, 2010, I had a lot of fears. I didn’t know what to expect. I can share a little bit on how Newgate 180 has changed my life.
I’m a 36-year-old male, married 14 years, with 4 children. My addiction has been in my life for almost half of my life. I grew up in a violent home; my father was a raging alcoholic who physically and psychologically abused me. I was also sexually abused by a close neighbour for several years. I held so much shame, guilt, and remorse that I buried it deep in a chest and stored it away for a long time. Over the years, my drinking got worse and worse. Most of my teenage years were spent in the court systems for assault charges from the symptoms of my addictions. This addiction to alcohol spread through my marriage, coming in between my wife and children. I felt empty and lost with no way out. My life was going to be the worst level imaginable. I always wanted to be like the normal person who didn’t struggle with alcohol, that free feeling holding no shame and guilt from all the baggage I was carrying.
I came to Newgate 180 scared out of my mind, not knowing who to trust, who else was staying here, what this program was about. I can tell you it was the best investment I’ve ever made. The counsellors have a passion for what they do, they made me feel comfortable and they will teach you powerful tools and if you put in your 100%, they will lead you through the healing process. I don’t know about you, but I was at my last straw with alcohol, my addiction. Over time you will see why you act the way you do. I sure did. I also felt welcomed by the other clients that were attending Newgate 180. You will make connections with others struggling with the same problems.
I can honestly say that I feel 1000 times better knowing this information and learning the right ways to feel. I’m not saying it will be easy or everything will be perfect, however, you will learn who you truly are and you will learn how to put your needs first and to treat yourself
with respect. By doing this, most areas in your life will change. I’m so thankful for coming to Newgate 180, and I’m sure you will be too.”
I’ve been referring people to Newgate 180 addiction solutions for over 15 years. The success that we’ve had with our members has been outstanding. I believe that when somebody needs help they need it as soon as possible, and Newgate 180’s response has always been immediate and specific to the needs of the individual. They have an amazing program and staff.
The program is geared to working people, so our members are surrounded by like individuals. Their 11-month ongoing care is very proactive. Newgate 180 works closely not only with the member but also with us and their family throughout the year. This continuous contact and support ensures that members stay on track with their recovery. Newgate is always very understanding of each individual’s situation and will extend the program beyond a year if necessary. They have also provided training to our stewards and addiction awareness education to members. I continue to refer to Newgate 180 and have no hesitation recommending Newgate 180 to anyone in need.
Here for you 24/7.
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Call: 613-269-2672 OR toll free: 1-888-524-8333
Text: 613-294-HELP (4357)
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