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Alcohol Rehab & Addiction Treatment in Ontario

We have helped countless people overcome alcohol addictions and we can do the same for you. Newgate 180 specializes in helping individuals who are addicted to alcohol beat their addiction and live full, happy lives. For nearly 50 years, our home-like rehab centre has helped more than 5,000 people overcome their addictions, for help overcoming yours, contact us today.

What is Alcoholism?

If you are reading this, chances are you or someone you care about has a problem with alcohol. Some of the common warning signs include:

  • the need to drink to feel better or to relax
  • needing to drink more than before to feel the effects
  • losing control over how much or how often you drink
  • memory loss or “blackouts”
  • withdrawal effects (shakiness, nausea, irritability etc.)

What Causes Alcohol Addiction?

It is generally accepted that addiction to any substance is not caused by a single factor, but rather by a combination of genetic and environmental influences.

How do I Know if I’m an Alcoholic?

Do you find yourself drinking more than you meant to? Perhaps you need more and more alcohol to feel the effects and are often hungover. Maybe you are binge drinking (5+ drinks for men, 4+ drinks for women within several hours), making poor decisions, acting out in ways that you later feel embarrassed about, and being unable to remember parts (“brown out”) or all (“blackout”) of the time you were drunk. These are just a few signs that alcohol could be a problem in your life.

Other possible signs of alcoholism include:

  • You feel resentful and defensive when loved ones express concern about you and your drinking.
  • You are trying to hide the extent of your drinking.
  • You find yourself drinking and driving, or engaging in other risky behaviours.
  • You are preoccupied with thoughts of drinking even though you want to stop or slow down.
  • You are losing control and feel helpless and ashamed, and have no idea how you ended up in this downward spiral.

Trust us when we say, you are not alone. Alcoholism and alcohol abuse affects millions of families. Newgate 180 can help, so contact us today—hope is just a click away.

The Right Choice for Alcohol Recovery Programs in Ontario

By visiting our website, you have made the first, and most important step in recovery. Newgate 180 is here to help you immediately. You will not be put on a waitlist – you will be welcomed to our centre in a caring and understanding way.

How Our Alcohol Addiction Treatment Program Works

To begin, you will complete a comprehensive assessment and your counsellor will develop a treatment plan that’s right for you. We know each client is unique and we do not use a “one size fits all” approach to treatment.

We offer a minimum of three individual counselling sessions per week in which you can share whatever’s on your mind. We will help you address factors that contribute to your use of alcohol, such as depression, anger, PTSD, financial problems, relationship difficulties etc.

You will work with a Relapse Prevention Counsellor to develop your own Recovery Plan that will be your personalized “road map” to recovery after you leave Newgate.

The End Goal of Addiction Treatment

Through our program, which includes individual and group counselling, art therapy, AA, yoga, fitness training, leisure/recreation, and proper nutrition, you will learn how to create a life worth living without alcohol.

At the Newgate 180 rehab centre, you will rediscover your values and develop a renewed sense of worth. As you become increasingly well mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually, you will discover a renewed sense of meaning and purpose. We don’t just want you to heal – we want you to thrive.

Custom At-Work Alcohol Rehab Programs in Ontario

At-work alcohol addictions are more common than you may think. Newgate 180 is a non-profit alcohol rehab centre that works closely with companies, unions, and organizations throughout Ontario, Canada and the Northern U.S. We treat clients with alcohol abuse and addiction issues. We offer at-work programs and resources that give organizations the tools and information they need to properly support their employees and help them get back to work.

Along with at-work recovery programs and resources, we help employees from companies, unions, and other organizations at our facilities for one month where they receive comprehensive alcohol addiction treatment. After their stay at Newgate 180, they will receive 11 months of ongoing care to help support their return to the workplace as a happy, productive employee.

Reasons to Choose Newgate 180 for Alcohol Rehab

Newgate 180 is an industry-leading addiction treatment centre in Ontario that welcomes clients from across Canada, the U.S., Europe, and even Australia. We don’t just treat your addiction; we help you improve mentally, emotionally, physically and spiritually. With a long, distinguished history of success, there are many reasons to choose Newgate 180:

  • We will stay by your side for a full year. Our 30-day residential program is followed by 11 months of ongoing care. Our ongoing care program is offered over Skype and telephone, so we can support you no matter where “home” may be for you.
  • You can access our services immediately; in many cases, we can admit a client within 24 hours.
  • We offer a comprehensive, holistic approach to care.
  • We offer both individual and group counselling sessions to our clients.
  • We have extensive therapy and treatment options, including art therapy, meditation, yoga, fitness training, leisure/recreation, healthy eating coaching, acupuncture, reiki, and exposure to self-help groups.
  • We offer a combination of gender-specific and co-ed programming welcome both men and women into our program, and have two separate facilities.
  • We offer both private (single occupancy) and semi-private (double occupancy) rooms.
  • We believe that having both genders enriches many of the therapeutic groups. We also recognize that certain topics are most effectively dealt with in “men-only” and “women-only” groups.
  • We work with families to help them understand addiction and offer guidance on how to support a loved one who is in recovery. We know that addiction affects the whole family and we want to help heal unhealthy dynamics, rebuild trust and ensure all parties have the support they need. We offer a unique family program consisting of weekly group sessions, educational events and support throughout the year.
  • Our main facility is located on the river in the town of Merrickville. The natural beauty of the river, trees, and gardens creates a peaceful and inviting setting.
  • Our men’s and women’s residences have a comfortable, welcoming, ‘non-institutional’ feel that for many makes Newgate feel more like a home than a treatment centre.

Here for you 24/7.
Get help now.

Our experienced counsellors at Newgate 180 are ready to support you in your journey to recovery. Reach out to us for prompt care by calling the numbers provided below, or by filling out the contact form. Today is the day to start regaining control of your life.

Call: 613-269-2672 OR toll free: 1-888-524-8333
Text: 613-294-HELP (4357)

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Alcohol Rehab & Addiction Treatment FAQs

Here are the answers to some common questions about alcohol rehabilitation at Newgate 180.

What is the success rate of your alcohol rehabilitation program?

At Newgate 180, we pride ourselves on a high success rate, with a long history of helping thousands overcome alcohol addiction. The effectiveness of our program is evidenced by our alumni’s sustained sobriety and improved quality of life.

What qualifications do your counsellors and therapists hold?

Our team consists of highly qualified professionals, including certified addiction counsellors, therapists with specialized training in addiction and mental health, and medical staff.

How much does alcohol rehab cost?

At Newgate 180, our alcohol rehab program is priced affordably at $19,000 CAD, an all-inclusive fee that covers the entire treatment including both the 30-day residential stay and the subsequent 11 months of continuing care. We also offer financing options through our partnership with ifinance. Visit the links below to learn more.

Newgate 180
435 Main St E, Merrickville, ON K0G 1N0
Toll Free: +1 888-524-8333